Testsoterone Enanthate

Testsoterone Enanthate are the most widely practiced and cost effective means of testosterone therapy. These injections are carried out in persons suffering from low circulating testosterone levels. Testosterone injections are safe and effective, and they produce immediate results. They enhance metabolic and mental activities in men. Testosterone injections are widely resort to by hypogonadal men. These injections are to administrated once in every two to three weeks.

Testosterone injections are intramuscular injections, in which the hormone is inject directly into the muscle so that it is directly absorb into the blood stream. The quantity of testosterone to injected depends on the person?s health conditions and testosterone levels in blood. An intramuscular injection of 200 to 300 mg is usually sufficient to make body testosterone levels to normal.

Testosterone is esterify first to inhibit degradation and to make it soluble in oil-based injection vehicles. The common esterified compounds used for injection are testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate. This esterified compound is then inject into the body. Testosterone injections are generally give by a healthcare professional in a hospital or clinic setting.

Before taking a testosterone injection, tell your doctor about all other medicines, nutritional supplements and herbal products you are taking. If you are diabetic, these injections can affect your blood sugar levels. These injections and esterified compounds are available at medicine stores, and often require prescription from doctors. The cost of these medicines is roughly around $10 for a 10 cc vial, which is sufficient for fifteen weeks.

The benefits of testosterone injections include muscle and strength improvement, body hair and skin thickening, improvement in sexual desire, and decreased irritability and depression. Testosterone injections are also recommend for persons having mild/moderate heart diseases as they improve blood flow to the heart during exercise. Testosterone enhances the dilation of coronary arteries, arteries providing blood to heart muscles, thus increasing blood flow and decreasing blood pressure.

Immediately after every testosterone injection, blood testosterone level can go much higher than natural levels. After 4 or 5 days it tends to drop. Disadvantages of testosterone injections include pain in injection field, complexes due to inconvenient scheduling, adverse changes in blood lipids, and itching and irritation

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